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Writer's pictureBecca Oyler

Covering Up Bad Hair? Always Feel the Need to Wear a Hat? I Can Help!

Have you ever had a Haircolor that made you feel like you had to cover it up with a hat? If so, Girl I FEEL you! We have all had an Experience coloring or getting our hair done that made us internally scream and want to cry because what the heck is wrong with my hair?! This is NOT what I wanted.

There is no worse feeling than not feeling comfortable and confident in your hair! I’m here to breakdown the 6 reasons WHY you may have ended up with hair that wasn’t your fav & HOW I can help you avoid that as much a possible in the future!

1: There wasn't a good enough consultation done prior to starting the coloring process. Consultations are key to pin pointing exactly what is important to your client. ( I have a whole blog post dedicated to helping you have a more helpful consultation, Link is in my bio). Mostly every single time I have a new guest in my chair I hear the words “Nobody has ever asked me that before” or “Oh my gosh yes! That’s what I’ve been wanting but didn’t know how to word it!” Having a consultation that asks all the in depth questions will ensure for better results & a happier guest.

2: Pictures weren't shown and discussed. Photos are a fantastic way to showcase more particularly what you are looking for. I always ask my clients why they like the photo(s) and what it looks like to them. Everybody sees haircolor differently, so if you have them break it down and tell you what they see, it will give you a better ideal of what they are looking for. I recommend having around 2-3 photos of hair inspiration (preferably from various angles).

3: You aren't maintaining your hair properly at home. At home care is just as, if not more important than what I do for your hair at the salon. For example, if your hair is bright bright blonde and when you leave the salon your hair is as white as can be but you go home and wash it the next day and never ever use purple shampoo or other professional products, your hair will never look exactly the way you want it to and so you will be unhappy. At home care is an absolute must!

4: Perhaps the goal you have in mind requires multiple sessions but your stylist didn't tell you that. So you're on the blonding journey and you have black hair and you show your stylist a bombshell platinum blonde photo and she says that she can totally get you there no problem today. Then the whole appointment you are happy and giddy because she said she could do it. Then she spins you around to reveal your new light brown WARM hair. Now, your disappointed and you hate your hair. Communicating clearly to your clients what is realistic for each session and what isn't will help set you up for success. If you told her that she would be a warm light brown at her first session but each session you would be able to get her lighter and closer to her goal then she will understand the process and not be unpleasantly surprised at the end.

5: Your stylist may not know how to do what you're asking for. When finding a stylist, do your homework! Check out their work and see if it matches the kind of hair that you want to get. This seems like a no brainer but if you came to me looking for a rainbow pixie that wouldn't have the best turn out because that is not what I do. It is worth spending a little bit more money and going to someone who specifically specializes in what you are looking for than going to just any hairstylist and have it e a gamble if they will be able to do it or not.

6: What you want may be unachievable. For example my hair is darkkkkk and years ago I dreamed of having bright blonde white hair. And guess what?? My hair couldn’t do it. My hair can’t handle going that light, it causes too much damage and stress to my hair. So do you want to know what I did? I accepted the fact that my hair prefers to be dark and I learned to be okay with that. Blonde was not achievable for me if I wanted to keep my hair healthy. I have seen clients who come to me for the first time and their hair is fried….but it’s blonde. So guess what? Their last stylist did more than what their hair could handle and yes got them to the color they wanted but killed their hair in the process. Now that client doesn’t care about the color because their hair is now completely trashed. Some hair colors won’t be possible for you. When your stylist tells you that it is because they love you enough to be honest to you and they know what is best for your hair. Learn to accept what your hair likes to do. If you have to fight it to do what you want, it won’t ever be what you want it to.

I hope these tips helped you to know perhaps why you ended up with hair you’re unhappy with and how to help fix it. As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Thank you so much for reading this article I hope you have learned something new!!



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